Dewi Hughes dan Tika Panggabean sempat viral karena perubahan penampilan yang drastis. Mereka sukses turun berat badan hingga lebih dari […]
Kebakaran Dahsyat LA Masuk Hari Ke-6, Belum Padam dan Hadapi Ancaman Baru
Kebakaran hutan dahsyat di Los Angeles pada Minggu (12/1) waktu setempat memasuki hari keenam. Sekarang, petugas pemadam kebakaran sedang menghadapi […]
Patrick Kluivert Ungkap Sosok Pemain Favoritnya di Timnas Indonesia, Ternyata Anak Kesayangan Shin Tae-yong
BOLASPORT.COM – Pelatih baru Timnas Indonesia, Patrick Kluivert, menjelaskan pemain favoritnya di skuat Garuda. Patrick Kluivert diperkenalkan PSSI secara resmi […]
This ingredient helps to keep avocados fresher for up to a week
Vegetarian food expert Taesha Butler shared her tips on how to keep avocados fresh. The long-standing concern about when to […]
15 low cost bamboo house designs that are simple and practical
Bamboo houses combine a pleasing look with impressive durability, rendering them a highly appealing option for many property owners. To […]
The most beautiful national parks in South Korea to get lost in nature and history
With an abundance of sea and mountains, South Korea boasts an inspiring array of national parks featuring diverse and awe-inspiring […]